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Helen Hutton - STW Training Hub Practice Nurse Facilitator

Helen qualified as a nurse in 1997. Her secondary care background is urology and renal medicine but her passion was always to work in General Practice. Helen was lucky enough to have a sponsorship to do the Bsc Specialist Practitioner: GPN, which allowed her to leave secondary care and be equipped to work in General Practice: "I’ve been a Practice nurse for 17 years and in that time have advanced my role in many areas including minor illness and prescribing, plus many more that opportunities that have been provided through the training hub."

Helen works as a Practice nurse facilitator within the training hub offering support to potential and existing nurses in general practice, with a focus on externally assessing new cytology takers and supporting nursing associates.

Contact us

If you’d like more information or to speak to someone from our Training Hub team, visit our contact us page or email.