GP Mentoring
STW GP Mentoring Service
Confidential Mentoring for Shropshire Telford & Wrekin GPs, provided by trained GP mentors who are locally based
Mentoring can be a really positive experience for GPs and can deliver a number of personal and organisational benefits including:
- increased productivity and better time management
- personal and professional development
- increased job-related wellbeing, self-esteem and confidence
- better work-life balance
- preparation for the future and heightened career aspirations
Mentoring is available, free of charge, for any STW GP and including:
- newly-qualified GPs on the Fellowship scheme
- new partners on the New to Partnership Payment scheme
- locums who may need support to move into salaried roles
- mid-career GPs making career choices including deciding to take on a partnership role
- GPs thinking of returning to the profession
Your mentor will:
- hold full registration and a licence to practise with the General Medical Council (GMC)
- meet the requirements for remaining on the NHS England GP Performers List and report to NHS England any concerns that might affect your status on the National Medical Performers List
- not be subject to interim suspension under section 41A of the Medical Act 1983
- currently be working at least three clinical sessions per week
- be a trained mentor, part of a group and receiving supervision
- be matched to you - if you require an out of area mentor, this can also be arranged
We have two GP Mentor Leads for our area: Dr Melanie Thompson and Dr Rachel Taylor.
If you are a GP working in STW and have any queries about the service or are interested in being mentored, as first point of contact, please email Eluned Eagle
GP Mentor Team only: For the mentor team password protected area, please use login box below.