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The STW Training Hub website is currently under review and re-construction. Please email with training and education enquiries.

GP Trainees

This page provides information on support for doctors on the Shropshire General Practitioner Vocational Training Scheme (GPVTS).

Career Pathway

Doctors who join the Shropshire GPVTS are provided with a full training and education experience, led by the local Training Programme Directors (TPDs) and work, on a rotational basis, in the local acute trust and in General Practice.

Training Hub Offers

  • Advice and support for doctors on Skilled Worker Visas, particularly as they reach the end of their ST3 year and are seeing employment (link to “Skilled Worker Visa” page)
  • Support for seeking employment in local, STW practices (view vacancies here)
  • Advice on moving from the GPVTS into working as a Locum in the STW area (link to GP Locums page)

Useful Links

For additional information on life as a GP Trainee click here for a link to the “Training to become a GP” pages on the NHSE/I GP Career Support Hub. 

Useful Contacts

VTS TPDs (contact Phil Morgan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for contact details)

STW VTS Placement Team – Tim Eden ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) and Harbaksh Singh ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Contact us

If you’d like more information or to speak to someone from our Training Hub team, visit our contact us page or email.