GP Trainees
This page provides information on support for doctors on the Shropshire General Practitioner Vocational Training Scheme (GPVTS).
Career Pathway
Doctors who join the Shropshire GPVTS are provided with a full training and education experience, led by the local Training Programme Directors (TPDs) and work, on a rotational basis, in the local acute trust and in General Practice.
Training Hub Offers
- Advice and support for doctors on Skilled Worker Visas, particularly as they reach the end of their ST3 year and are seeing employment (link to “Skilled Worker Visa” page)
- Support for seeking employment in local, STW practices (view vacancies here)
- Advice on moving from the GPVTS into working as a Locum in the STW area (link to GP Locums page)
Useful Links
For additional information on life as a GP Trainee click here for a link to the “Training to become a GP” pages on the NHSE/I GP Career Support Hub.
Useful Contacts
VTS TPDs (contact Phil Morgan
STW VTS Placement Team – Tim Eden (