Role Overview
Paramedics would complete the following activities within their role*:
- To deliver a high standard of patient care as a Paramedic within the practice / PCN, working at the top of their clinical scope of practice.
- As a member of a multi-disciplinary team Paramedics would manage a clinical caseload, deal with patients presenting complaints and needs both in a community or medical practice setting.
- Assess and treat a range of acute undiagnosed and undifferentiated medical conditions within the practice or community e.g. minor injury and illness, abdominal pains, chest pain, tiredness, headache.
- Perform specialist health checks, reviews QAF work.
- Provide clinical leadership within the practice.
- Mentor and support staff in developing and maintaining clinical skills.
* Depending on level of experience.
Career Pathway
Training Hub Offiers
- Support to get Paramedic workforce in every PCN in STW.
- Provide peer support to the Paramedic workforce in STW
- Provide support and communication to the Paramedic workforce via a WhatsApp group
- Provide support and communication to the Paramedic workforce via email distribution list
- Attend Paramedics in practice to monitor and supervise their FCP progression
- Provide support and guidance to Paramedics, via the FCP roadmap supervisor network, as they progress onto the FCP register
- Support Paramedics to progress within their role into advanced clinical practice Paramedics
- Support to PCN’s recruiting and expanding their Paramedic workforce.
- Liaise with HEIs to secure student Paramedics placements within STW PCNs
Useful Links
Select here to find out more about the role, including job descriptions, case studies and more: Community Paramedic
Useful Contacts
Philip B. Pover, APP; BSc (Hon’s), PGCE, MSc, MCPara.