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The STW Training Hub website is currently under review and re-construction. Please email with training and education enquiries.


Role Overview

Paramedics would complete the following activities within their role*:

  • To deliver a high standard of patient care as a Paramedic within the practice / PCN, working at the top of their clinical scope of practice.
  • As a member of a multi-disciplinary team Paramedics would manage a clinical caseload, deal with patients presenting complaints and needs both in a community or medical practice setting.
  • Assess and treat a range of acute undiagnosed and undifferentiated medical conditions within the practice or community e.g. minor injury and illness, abdominal pains, chest pain, tiredness, headache.
  • Perform specialist health checks, reviews QAF work.
  • Provide clinical leadership within the practice.
  • Mentor and support staff in developing and maintaining clinical skills.

* Depending on level of experience.

Career Pathway

Paramedic Educational and Development Flow Chart

Training Hub Offiers

  • Support to get Paramedic workforce in every PCN in STW.
  • Provide peer support to the Paramedic workforce in STW
  • Provide support and communication to the Paramedic workforce via a WhatsApp group
  • Provide support and communication to the Paramedic  workforce via email distribution list
  • Attend Paramedics in practice to monitor and supervise their FCP progression
  • Provide support and guidance to Paramedics, via the FCP roadmap supervisor network, as they progress onto the FCP register
  • Support Paramedics to progress within their role into advanced clinical practice Paramedics
  • Support to PCN’s recruiting and expanding their Paramedic workforce.
  • Liaise with HEIs to secure student Paramedics placements within STW PCNs

Useful Links

Select here to find out more about the role, including job descriptions, case studies and more: Community Paramedic

Useful Contacts

Philip B. Pover, APP; BSc (Hon’s), PGCE, MSc, MCPara. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact us

If you’d like more information or to speak to someone from our Training Hub team, visit our contact us page or email.