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Minor Illness Diploma

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About the course

The National Minor Illness Centre (NMIC) Diploma course begins with a Seminar Week which can be taken in two modules.

This is followed by six months of clinical practice supervised by a mentor. This mentor is usually a GP, but nurses who have suitable qualifications in minor illness management and mentoring may be accredited by the NMIC team. 

You will be required to submit four assignments: Pharmacology Scenarios, two Case Studies (adult and child), Evidence Based Practice and Organisational Skills. You will also need to complete a Manual of Clinical Competencies, signed by your mentor. For further details see the Nmic Diploma page.

Six months’ free access to the members’ section of NMIC website is available to students attending this course. Students are provided with a copy of the Minor Illness Manual and a USB stick of lecture notes and resource materials.

Course content

National Minor Illness Centre Diploma Course Plan

Entry Requirements

Nurses and paramedics working in primary care.

Next steps

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to express your interest, enquire about funding and next planned delivery or intake.


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Contact us

If you’d like more information or to speak to someone from our Training Hub team, visit our contact us page or email.