GP Marketing Lead
Dr Rachel Sissons ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
Rachel will be looking ‘backwards’ in time at the various pipelines of potential GPs – from 6th form students thinking of studying medicine, to medical students, through to Foundation Year doctors – with the aim of increasing the number of students and doctors choosing to become a GP.
“I'm Rachel and I'm excited to work with our potential next generation of GPs in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. I hope to work closely with the foundation programme, Keele University and local general practices to promote the choice of working as a GP in this area, and to see what fantastic qualities both the area and a GP career have to offer.”
Please click “here” for information if you are considering a career as a GP – whether you are in school/college, already in medical school or currently working as a foundation doctor.